Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Week 29 - AaaaaHhhhhh !!! (that's how he titled it)

Well this week ended pretty bad and good. The good thing is that I'm about done with the pass off tests so I can be a senior companion either this next transfer or the one after that. On Sunday I made it half way through the hardest part of the test, and I only have a few things left to do.  Wow, I just realized this makes very little sense to you since you have no clue what pass off’s are.  Well, it is just a simple group of tasks, which we do. Like teaching one of the lessons, reciting certain scriptures, and showing we know so many words in Korean. I'm excited about almost being done with that! The bad news... one of the investigators who were going to be baptized never showed up, 박시온.  It was sad when we got a call from the Elders in 김포's asking if he came to our chapel. I guess the main reason why they called was that 박시온 wanted to go to church where we were at first but, they convinced him that it would be better for him if he went to the same church building as his father. Anyway, we began to panic since earlier this week his father decided to back out of his baptismal date. He said that he felt too much pressure from us or something and that he needed more time to think about it. Which is weird, he’s the one who told us that he wanted to be baptized. It wasn't until the middle of the day when we found out that his job 갑자기 ,suddenly called him to work that Sunday. Well that was sad news for us. We need to keep more in touch with him, find out how he is doing, and if he needs any help with anything.

So to answer some of your questions. first no!!! There is not a holiday like Halloween in Korea nor do the members celebrate it. However, some sort of holiday came around yesterday, or the third. But it wasn't any thing special at all. The only thing I could tell is that too many places were closed. Sad, so I couldn't Email then. The next holiday isn't for awhile unless, you want to count Pepero day, November 11th. What I've been told is that it is going to be one of the biggest Pepero Days ever. WHY!? 11/11/11... but it's not going to be that exciting since it's like a Korean Valentine's day or that's what I understand about it.
  Oh... that kid we meet has time this week and has agreed to meet with us this Thursday but, we have no idea where we will meet him. Our church building isn't an option and there are no members that have time that we could meet with. Pray for us that we can find a place and soon.  Ah... I don't know, we think we might meet at a park or something but it is getting colder here or it feels like it's cold. I don't know why!!!  It's only getting around 18C (64F)  at night which should be perfect.
  As for pictures... it's been harder since I got a really ... um... rule enthusiastic, (I spelt it right!!!)  companion who some times goes a little overboard. Also I'm not good at standing up for myself. Ugh, I'm lazy that's the problem. Well I love you mom and it's nice to hear that you and the family enjoyed conference. I get to watch it this week which will be exciting.
  So what's with the yellow house? and what does that mean??? ㅋㅋㅋ Well I love and miss you too. Hope to hear more good things this next week. BYE....

Elder Westarp,
              웨스타프 장로,

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